Hebrews (Chapter 10a)

Join Beth Tikkun as we continue our study of Hebrews. In this study we look at the author’s use of the Torah, Prophets and Writings to describe Yeshua’s sacrifice as the ultimate sacrifice for sin. We also look into the Midrash Rabbah and Zohar to see what they say about the rending of the veil in the Temple.

This teaching’s study Resources:

Chapter 10a Visuals

Categories Apostolic Writings, Hebrews, Media | Tags: , | Posted on February 10, 2013

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  1. by Charlotte Gunther

    On February 14, 2013

    If the goat of Yom Kippur was the only animal said to take away sin, to what was John referring when he said, “Behold, the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world”?

    Also, there is the verse “Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation.”
    (1 Peter 2:12 ESV)

    might the day of visitation also allude to the coming destruction of the temple? Were 1 Peter & Hebrews written about the same time?

  2. by Tom Rudd

    On February 24, 2013

    A very beautiful lesson.

  3. by Phil Taylor

    On April 23, 2013


    Thank you so much for your dedication to the Word of God! The teaching you’ve given us on the letter of Hebrews has been such a blessing!

    There was something in particular in this chapter that I had been writing about recently in my book that I thought was just too important not to share here! I hope I’m not too late for posting on this weeks teaching!

    Here is an exerpt from my recent studies concerning the bondsman in Parashas Mishpatim – Exodus 21:5-6

    “But if the servant plainly says, ‘I love my master, my wife and my children; I will not go out as a free man,’ 6 then his master shall bring him to God, then he shall bring him to the door or the doorpost. And his master shall pierce his ear with an awl (martzea); and he shall serve him permanently.”

    I believe it is at the door (dalet) where sin crouches, that we realize our slavery to sin is over and here where we prove whether we serve God or whether we serve ourselves. I urge you to Choose life so that you and your descendants may live. By choosing eternal life in God we will begin to bear a physical mark with our lives which others see as a witness that we have chosen to serve God.

    So God is our Master and He bores into our ear a mark that we bear in witness to Him. What is this mark we will bear? The mark we will bear is referenced in this last passage and only understood from the Hebrew. It is definitely not something we should overlook! The Hebrew word which is translated ‘awl’; מַּרְצֵעַ is pronounced Martze’a. The letter mem added to the word ratz’a meaning to bore or to pierce.

    Each Hebrew letter has a numerical value which also indicates that each Hebrew word has a numerical value. When we add the numerical value of each letter in the word Martze’a we find that Martze’a has a numerical value of 400. The significance of this I believe is that this value points to the last of the Hebrew letters, tav! The letter tav has a numerical value of 400 and tav means “cross”! I believe that symbolically what we as a slave to our sin, became marked with is the mark of the cross and this mark reveals that we live in faith in God and that God lives in us!

    While remembering some of the writings of Paul, I have to say that I’ll bet he was reminded of this when he wrote these words to the Galatians;

    Galatians 2:20 “I have been crucified with Messiah; and it is no longer I who live, but Messiah lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself up for me.”

    Galatians 5:24 “Now those who belong to Messiah Yeshua have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.”

  4. by L. Grant Luton

    On April 26, 2013

    Thanks, Phil, for the great insight! It is always a joy to discover new wonders in His Torah.

  5. by Charlotte Gunther

    On May 14, 2013

    so much to think about!

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