I Also Send You – David Hargrave

Join us as our brother, David Hargrave, introduces his important work to the congregation. Asking to come under the spiritual authority of the Beth Tikkun elders, David and his wife Krista have now brought their ministry under our shepherding care. After being commissioned by the elders on behalf of the congregation, David shares about his life-changing journey after encountering the truths of Messianic Judaism, and he describes his current ministry. In the process, David puts forth an encouraging perspective on how God can and does work through each of us, a perspective that begins with the powerfully motivating premise that every person wants the gospel of Messiah; they just don’t know it. What flows from that truth are endless miracles of connection and healing as God uses us in the lives of others while we go about our day.

Visuals: No visuals for this teaching

Categories Media, Special Teachings | Tags: , , , , , | Posted on January 28, 2018

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