James 4 (Part 2)

Join Beth Tikkun as we continue our study in the book of James. As we approach the last half of James we continue to point out more similarities to the second half of The Sermon on the Mount. In this teaching we address the question “What is the greatest pleasure or desire of a human being?”. We discuss the failure of the “self esteem” movement and learn how a person should view himself.

This teaching’s study Resources:

James 4 (Part 2)

Categories Apostolic Writings, James, Media | Tags: , , , , | Posted on July 14, 2013

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  1. by Joe Swann

    On July 16, 2013


    I just wanted to say again how much I enjoyed my visit with you and Robin and to Beth Tikkun.

    I listened to the James 4, Part 2, teaching at lunch today. It was very touching to me to hear your words about Aunt Mar and to hear you read one of her poems. She definitely had a profound affect on my life.

    I wanted to share one thing that brought a smile to my face again this afternoon. My mom spends some of her time during the day going through pictures and other memorabilia. She usually saves out a piece she thinks I will find interesting to show me the next time she sees me. When I stopped by to visit her this afternoon she showed me a copy of the picture of your mom and Aunt Mar that you put in your teaching notes. She has no idea you had shared what you did with Beth Tikkun.


  2. by L. Grant Luton

    On July 17, 2013


    It is amazing to think that your Aunt Mar’s little poem would go out into the world and touch so many lives. You should hear what people are saying about it and how beautiful and powerful it was to them. Once again God uses small things to do great things. She may only have “cleaned the house and made the bed”, but her reward in the World to Come will be great indeed.

    Shalom & Blessings,

  3. by Lynne Preston

    On July 23, 2013

    just to say that Aunt Mar’s poem touched me here in England as I am learning to put aside the things of the world and of worldly ambitions and now I clean the house and make the bed. I had just listened to this session when we had visitors from Germany, friends we haven’t seen for 20 years but who are, it turns out, learning similar things and I was able to share the lessons and the poem. So, it has gone to Germany too.
    Thank you so much for your wonderful teaching, beyond words and explanation does it build us up and sustain us.
    Lynne & Gary

  4. by L. Grant Luton

    On July 25, 2013

    Dear Lynn & Gary, Thank you for your email/comment. I forwarded it to my cousin in Tennessee and he was blessed to know that his Aunt Mar’s poem has now made it to England and Germany! I’m sure that Aunt Mar never dreamed that her musings would be such a blessing to so many. Shalom & Blessings, Grant Luton

  5. by George

    On December 9, 2017

    Dear Grant & Beth Tikkun
    Just wish to to say thank you for your special way of share the Word of YHWH to me in South Africa. I truely am blessed to have the opportunity to receive so much more of His Word to feed my soul.
    Blessings to you and Beth Tikkun for the work you are doing, touching so many accross the world we live in

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