James 4 (Part 3)

Join Beth Tikkun as we continue our study in the book of James. As we complete the fourth chapter of James, we focus on his warning not to judge or condemn our neighbor. We then focus on the corresponding warning in The Sermon on the Mount and analyze Yeshua’s parable of the beam and the splinter in the eye. We also take a unique look at His advice concerning throwing what is holy to the dogs and pearls before swine.

This teaching’s study Resources:

James 4 (Part 3)

Categories Media | Tags: | Posted on July 21, 2013

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  1. by Carolyn Lauer

    On July 21, 2013

    This reminds me of Ezekiel 3:17-21 a serious responsibility.
    Thank you for clarity on the dogs & hogs!

  2. by Tom Rudd

    On August 4, 2013

    Paul points out, “Does God care about Oxen”?
    The weighing and measuring Yeshua speaks about, is in the Torah.
    Using “honest” weights, in the Torah, is the same as “As you measure, it will be measured to you”. (paraphasing)
    I enjoyed this message, very much.

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