John 1 Part 1

Join Beth Tikkun as we study the book of John.

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Categories Apostolic Writings, Gospel of John, Media | Tags: | Posted on March 1, 2002

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  1. by Alam

    On July 19, 2019

    Hi Grant,

    I have just started listening to your teaching series on John and finding it really helpful and insightful. You mention that there has been little in the way of Jewish commentaries on John which is quite evident.
    Have you come across this one and if so would you recommend it.

    Many thanks in anticipation

  2. by L. Grant Luton

    On July 19, 2019

    Alan, I am so glad you are enjoying the John teachings. And, yes, I am aware of this commentary on John and even own a copy. I just wish it had been available way back when I was teaching this series! Thank you for the recommendation, and please don’t hesitate to recommend a good book in the future. Shalom, Grant

  3. by Alan Howes

    On July 19, 2019

    many thanks Grant. I may use it alongside your teachings on our midweek fellowship. Every blessing. Alan

  4. by Amanda Tadlock

    On August 17, 2021

    Mr. Grant, I have a question. You mention that breaking up the word bereshit yields the words “son he has prepared” – is this Aramaic? I see the Aramaic word son, but what is the word for “he has prepared”? I have been listening g to you for several years, your teaching has changed my life. Thank you for allowing God to use you. Respectfully, Amanda

  5. by L. Grant Luton

    On August 29, 2021

    Thank you, Amanda, for your kind words concerning the teachings. I hope they continue to be a source of blessing to you! The word brashest (בראשית) can be divided into בר(bar) meaning “son” [and, yes, this is an Aramaic word but found often throughout the scriptures] and אשית (ahead) which means “I prepare” or “I establish/place”. You can find this word in Genesis 3:15 “I will place enmity between you and the woman…” The name ‘Seth’ (שת) is also based on this word (Genesis 4:25). If you would like to read more about this [and I know this is a shameless plug for my book], you will find it in the first volume of my Genesis commentary: “God Prepares a World“.

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