Ki Teitzei 2021

We take from Ki Teitzei a focus on the battle with Amalek. Central to our discussion is the idea that in order to respect others, we have to fight Amalek – a battle in the mind. Part of this battle is the cultivation of a thirst for God and having Him always on our lips. As we explore this topic, we read three severe rebukes to three churches in Asia, and we drill down on two important verses from Romans and Galatians which contrast walking in the spirit and walking in the flesh.

Video:  Vimeo | YouTube

To download visuals, right-click the PDF file and save.

Visuals: Ki Teitzei 2021.pdf

Medios Visuales: Ki Tetzé 2021.pdf


  1. by Antonio Da Silva-Swart

    On August 28, 2021

    Hi Grant
    The Complete Jewish Study Bible says (Matth 22:37) ” You are to love ADONAI your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your STRENGTH.” Not mind
    You said ” not your strength”
    I see the soul = mind. your thoughts, your character, your personality, emotions etc. I see ‘strength’ as resources, everything you have and are capable of

  2. by L. Grant Luton

    On August 29, 2021

    Antonio, I’m not sure why the CJB uses the word ‘strength’. The Greek word is διανοια (dianoia) which means “mind”, not “strength”.

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