Ki Tisa 5772

Join Beth Tikkun as we study Parshah Ki Tisa 5772: Exodus 30b-34.

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Categories Media, Torah 5772 (2011 - 2012), Torah Commentary | Tags: , , , , | Posted on March 10, 2012

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  1. by bobby

    On March 19, 2012

    Website is beautifull. My brother is going to listen to some teachings on Numbers and Joshua. Where are the PDF files to go with them??
    Shalom and stay blessed.

  2. by L. Grant Luton

    On March 19, 2012

    Bobby, Our web “guru” is still checking and repairing links and should be finished sometime this evening. If you still find lost links, please let me know and I will contact him.


  3. by Charlotte Gunther

    On March 22, 2012

    I searched for John 19 & it took me to all of John. I listened but there was no way to access (none that i could find) pdf files.

  4. by L. Grant Luton

    On March 22, 2012

    Dear Charlotte,

    Unfortunately, there have been no .pdf files for John for several years. Somehow that got erased years ago and I simply have not had the inspiration to go back and replace them all. However, if there is a particular one that you would like to see I can easily make a copy of it for you forward it to you.


  5. by Cheri

    On December 16, 2012

    Is there a reason that Ki Tisa is not available? I tried a few months ago to download it and it was not available and still isn’t (it says “partial” but I’m not even able to get that portion). I’ve heard you do this parsha before but I’d love to hear the new insights you always have.


  6. by Dale Schoenwald

    On February 16, 2014

    I love the insight connecting Ki Tisa with Naph-sho in the Gospels. How amazing !!!

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