Matthew 21c-22a

Join Beth Tikkun as we continue our study in Matthew’s gospel. In this study we discover an amazing menorah pattern created by Yeshua’s parables about father, sons and vineyards. We also gain insight into the essence of the Stone that the builders rejected.

Visuals: Matthew 21c-22a

Categories Apostolic Writings, Matthew, Media | Tags: , | Posted on November 29, 2015

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  1. by Claudia LaBorde

    On May 7, 2016

    Love your teaching. Do you have notes to go along with any of these. if you do, I would love to get them. Thanks for posting these
    Claudia LaBorde

  2. by L. Grant Luton

    On May 8, 2016

    Dear Claudia, The teachings that were done over the last few years do have notes available on the website. To access them, choose the series you are listening to from the AUDIO tab and click on it. When the list of teachings appears, click on the link in the lefthand column. This will take you to that teaching’s own page. There you will see a link for the visuals IF there are any available. Please let me know if you still have difficulty accessing these. Thanks!

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