Mikeitz & Vayigash 2018-19

We begin this combined teaching on Torah portionsĀ Mikeitz andĀ Vayigash with a few thoughts connected to experiencing Chanukah in the Land of Israel. We then briefly summarize Joseph’s genius as he provides the opportunity for his brothers to repent. Finally, we explore several teaching points from Joseph’s story with an emphasis on seeing Yeshua’s proper position in our lives as seen through the life of Joseph and Abram Poljak’s prophetic 7 steps to Jewish acceptance of Yeshua.

Visuals: Mikeitz & Vayigash 2018-19.pdf

Medios Visuales: Mikets y Vayigash 2018-19.pdf


  1. by Janet

    On December 22, 2018

    Are you going to go to Israel again next year?

  2. by L. Grant Luton

    On December 24, 2018

    We don’t know at this time. But, please check back after the first of the year and I should have more information then. Thank you!

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