Mishpatim 2022

After the exhilaration of the giving of the Torah in the previous portion, we run into a long list of specific mitzvot in parsha Mishpatim, mostly regarding relating to and living with others. Why this portion at this point? In exploring this question, we read from a commentary by R’ Avigdor Miller. Along with addressing this sequence question, we look at several particular laws, applying the spirit of each law to our own lives. Other topics include a brief comparison of the Mosaic and Renewed covenants and insights into the sapphire-like brickwork observed beneath God’s feet.

Video:  Vimeo | YouTube

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Visuals: Mishpatim 2022.pdf

Medios Visuales: Mishpatim 2022.pdf

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771 Dunbar Road
Talmadge, OH 44278.