Sukkot 2013

Join Beth Tikkun as we look into the commandments concerning Sukkot (The Feast of Tabernacles), its traditions and their meanings. We also look into John 7-9 and study Yeshua’s teachings in the Temple during Sukkot.

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Categories Media, The Moedim | Tags: , , , , , | Posted on September 22, 2013

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  1. by Charlotte Gunther

    On September 23, 2013

    Thanks for reiterating about “shadow” in Col 2:16. i’ve read it and reread it in various translations but the concept you assign to it is not easy to fit into the context, which is enclosed by two “let no one …” phrases. Can you help us erase the preconceived and inherited understandings of that context?

    (I miss the reading of Col 1:15 ff in Sabbath prayers)

  2. by L. Grant Luton

    On September 24, 2013

    Charlotte, You are most welcome. Col.2:16 is so misunderstood by those outside the Torah community. But those who do practice the Torah are familiar with the issues Paul addresses here. The passage has nothing to do with whether or not the moedim (or other commandments and traditions) should be observed, that is a given. But the passage addresses how to respond to criticisms one may receive concerning one’s observance of the moed, commandment, or tradition. The Christian world may criticize me for keeping a commandment whereas the Messianic Jewish world may criticize me for how I keep a commandment. It is in the latter that Paul encourages me to “let no one pass judgment” on me. It is so easy to feel beat down and condemned by the very people who should be encouraging.

  3. by Charlotte Gunther

    On September 24, 2013

    Thanks. Got to read it again — and again.

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