We begin exploring portion Va’Etchanan by looking at a foundational “three-stranded cord” woven throughout the Scriptures, three strands we find in this portion. In the main body of the teaching, we ask, “Did the church really start with the Apostles?” In answering that question, we look to the other structures God indwells as He does […]
July 23, 2021 in Media, Torah 5781 (2021-2022), Torah Commentary by Beth Tikkun
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We begin unpacking the 4th chapter of 1 Timothy with the humbling recognition that, spiritually, we are all sheep who can be led astray. We turn to James 3 for guidelines for protecting ourselves against our sheep nature. Finishing this section of Timothy, we see that, in the spiritual realm, our way of teaching is […]
February 9, 2020 in 1 Timothy, Apostolic Writings, Media by Beth Tikkun
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This week, David Hargrave brings us a lesson from John 21 where Yeshua, after His resurrection, makes a fire by the sea and provides a meal for a group of His disciples. David draws from this account valuable lessons related to giving and receiving spiritual nourishment, including in the mentoring and corporate worship settings. Visuals: […]
April 29, 2018 in Media, Special Teachings by Beth Tikkun
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Join Beth Tikkun as we continue our Torah Project series. In this lesson, we analyze a very strange and dark chapter of Genesis. We discuss the definition of righteousness and try to understand how Lot could be called a righteous man. We ponder the power of a small dot in the Torah scroll, and finish with a call to […]
March 5, 2017 in Genesis, Media, Torah Project by Beth Tikkun
Grant returned from The Word of Messiah Conference in Richmond, Virginia, for a burden to focus more on making disciples. He shares some of the things he learned at the conference, and challenges us all to be more committed to making disciples and being disciples of Yeshua. Visuals: Discipleship
August 7, 2016 in Media, Special Teachings by Beth Tikkun
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