Joshua 2022-23, Chapters 20-21

Tim focuses the Joshua 20-21 teaching on the 6 cities of refuge, first understanding how they functioned, then making a spiritual application. In this year’s Tazria-Metzora teaching, David discusses ritual impurity, why giving birth renders a woman impure, the month of Iyar, and lashon hara.       Joshua 20-21 (Tim):  Vimeo | YouTube      Tazria-Metzora […]

April 20, 2023 in Joshua 2022-2023, Media, Tanakh by

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Kedoshim 2018-19

Our focus for Torah portion Kedoshim is holiness, the meaning of this portion’s Hebrew name. We begin by pointing out that chapters 18 and 20 share much of the same content regarding forbidden sexual relationships with at least 2 important differences that speak to how children suffer in societies riddled with sexual perversion. The bulk of […]

May 12, 2019 in Media, Torah 5779, Torah Commentary by


James 3 (Part 1)

Join Beth Tikkun as we continue our study in the book of James. In this study we consider James’ warnings and instruction concerning the tongue and how it is both like a horse and a ship. And if the tongue is “untameable”, what are we to do with it? We then look at Yeshua’s instructions […]

June 16, 2013 in Apostolic Writings, James, Media by

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771 Dunbar Road
Talmadge, OH 44278.