This week, David applies the clothing of the priests to the “Priesthood of Believers,” and he applies Haman to a particular voice in our modern world. Tetzaveh and Purim (David): Vimeo | YouTube To download resources, right-click the PDF file and save. Parsha Outline: Spiritual Seasons-Tetzaveh_and_Purim-Outline.pdf
March 2, 2023 in Media, Torah 5783 (2022 - 2023), Torah Commentary by Beth Tikkun
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After reviewing an insight from a previous teaching on this parshah, we put forward a thought about Moses and then the idea that the ending of the Torah really doesn’t feel like the end of the story. Israel stands on the cusp of the Land, ready to enter…and the Torah cycle returns to B’reisheet, Genesis. […]
October 21, 2022 in Media, Torah 5781 (2021-2022), Torah Commentary by Beth Tikkun
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Va’Etchanan is an exceptionally rich portion. Not only does it contain the words of the Shema (6:4-9) but the reprise of the Ten Commandments (5:6-18). It also continues Moses’ exhortation to Israel, with special emphasis on God’s goodness and on Israel’s uniquely intimate relationship with this good and great God. Topping it off, we find […]
August 12, 2022 in Media, Torah Commentary by Beth Tikkun
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A Daily Devotional and Guide for Prayer During the 10 Days of Awe To download, right-click the PDF file and save. 10 Days at 10 Gates.pdf 10 Días en 10 Puertas.pdf
September 17, 2020 in Articles, Uncategorized by Beth Tikkun
Steve Meeks brings us a special teaching this week on the topic of “praying the tabernacle.” Steve outlines a prayer approach that helps to add variety, comprehensiveness, richness, and length to our prayer lives with the goals of deepening our relationship with the Father and being an instrument in effecting His will. Video: Vimeo | […]
June 28, 2020 in Media, Special Teachings by Beth Tikkun
Join Beth Tikkun for a special second teaching from cantor Tim Pell focused on liturgy. Tim first brings two important lenses for viewing liturgical prayer. He then addresses the Shabbat prayers one by one, providing an overview of the special function of each. Tim’s first liturgy teaching Visuals: Liturgy Part 2.pdf , Liturgy Flow Visualizations […]
March 1, 2020 in Media, Special Teachings by Beth Tikkun
This week we return to the topic of masculinity and femininity as we continue our study in 1 Timothy. Initially, we look at 4 facets of prayer and praying for the government. Regarding men and women, we explore the role of women, the woman’s power, and clothing as a picture frame for the soul. We […]
January 26, 2020 in 1 Timothy, Apostolic Writings, Media by Beth Tikkun
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Join Beth Tikkun as we take advantage of the yearly Passover break in the Torah cycle to explore the concept of liturgical prayer. Tim Pell, one of our cantors, fits liturgical prayer into the grand narrative of creation. As he does so, he dips into a variety of ancient and modern sources and his own […]
April 28, 2019 in Media, Special Teachings by Beth Tikkun
Join us for another Torah Project teaching in Genesis. We begin this lesson by reaching back to chapter 47 to explore the idea that Joseph’s two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, picture Gentile believers. We then focus on an exhilarating verse from chapter 48 in which Israel says to Joseph, “I never imagined that I would […]
March 25, 2018 in Genesis, Media, Torah Project by Beth Tikkun
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This is the first of a series of teachings that will be presented at random times concerning the richness of the ancient prayers of Israel. These are prayers that would have been familiar to the first-century believers (and referred to in Acts 2:42). This lesson discusses what the Hebrew word tefillah means, and how biblical prayer has very […]
February 26, 2017 in Media, Special Teachings by Beth Tikkun
Join Beth Tikkun as we study the book of Esther during this Purim season. In this study we look at some of the fascinating things revealed in the Hebrew of this amazing book. We will look at the hidden connections to some of Yeshua’s teachings. We will also see how God’s NAME is to be […]
March 16, 2014 in Media, Special Teachings, The Moedim by Beth Tikkun
Ben Alger, who is one of the elders at Beth Tikkun, shares several practical insights in how to establish a personal daily prayer life. These are valuable guidelines that apply to all of us. No Visual Resources
September 2, 2013 in Media, Special Teachings by Beth Tikkun
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Join Beth Tikkun as we complete our three-part series on the subject of prayer. In this study consider the power of words and how with them Moses was able to see God’s “form”. We also discuss the tallit and tzitzis and briefly analyze the structure of the Shimoneh Esrei (or Amidah) prayer. We finished by listening to a […]
August 25, 2013 in Media, Special Teachings by Beth Tikkun
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Join Beth Tikkun as we continue our three-part series on the subject of prayer. In this study we look to the Tabernacle to glean the insights it holds concerning approaching God in prayer. We also discuss the depths to which prayer can take and how prayer is so much more that just requesting things from […]
August 18, 2013 in Media, Special Teachings by Beth Tikkun
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Join Beth Tikkun as we begin a three-part series on the subject of prayer. In this first study we consider some foundational concepts including the sometimes unnatural awkwardness of prayer, the Torah definition of prayer, the importance of a “third party”, and the transforming effect of prayer on our souls. This teaching’s study Resources: Prayer […]
August 10, 2013 in Media, Special Teachings by Beth Tikkun
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Join Beth Tikkun as we continue our study in the book of James. In this study we consider James’ warnings and instruction concerning the tongue and how it is both like a horse and a ship. And if the tongue is “untameable”, what are we to do with it? We then look at Yeshua’s instructions […]
June 16, 2013 in Apostolic Writings, James, Media by Beth Tikkun
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Join Beth Tikkun as we discuss the topic of Prayer in a Q&A format. This teaching’s study Resources: Q&A – Prayer
August 28, 2011 in Media, Special Teachings by Beth Tikkun
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Join Beth Tikkun as we study the Acts of the Apostles chapter 3. This teaching’s study Resources: Righteousness & Prayer
December 7, 2010 in Acts of the Apostles, Apostolic Writings, Media by Beth Tikkun
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