This week, Tim dips into Joshua chapters 15-17, and David applies portion Vayikra to the “salvation pattern,” focusing on the month of Nissan and a general framework for understanding the sacrificial system. Joshua 15-17 (Tim): Vimeo | YouTube Vayikra & Joshua 15-17 (David): Vimeo | YouTube To download resources, right-click the PDF file and […]
March 23, 2023 in Joshua 2022-2023, Media, Tanakh by Beth Tikkun
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This week, Tim brings insights from Joshua 13-14, and in the parsha teaching, David focuses on the Temple’s ability to unite people, the dangers of reducing people to labels, dealing with depression, and Yeshua as our Judge. Joshua 13-14 (Tim): Vimeo | YouTube Vayakhel-Pekudei & Joshua 13-14 (David): Vimeo | YouTube To download resources, […]
March 16, 2023 in Joshua 2022-2023, Media, Tanakh by Beth Tikkun
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This week, Tim leads us through the “northern campaign” in the taking of the Land. In the parsha teaching, David focuses on the concept of God dwelling among people and one less obvious way to see Yeshua in the Tabernacle. Joshua 11 (Tim): Vimeo | YouTube Terumah & Joshua 11 […]
February 23, 2023 in Joshua 2022-2023, Media, Tanakh by Beth Tikkun
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Join us as Tim walks us verse-by-verse through Joshua 7, focusing on how sin in one member affects the whole body. In the Spiritual Seasons teaching for the week, David hones in on a calendar application to God’s statement in Exodus 6 that he appeared to the patriarchs as “El Shaddai” but not as His […]
January 19, 2023 in Joshua 2022-2023, Media, Tanakh by Beth Tikkun
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This week Tim Pell and Grant discuss parsha Bechukotai. Much of the discussion is centered on the word often translated as “contrary” in Lev. 26:21, the Hebrew word “keri,” which is perhaps better translated “indifference.” Other topics include the idea of “chokim,” creating a home for God, and insights regarding reward and punishment. Video: Vimeo […]
May 26, 2022 in Media, Torah 5781 (2021-2022), Torah Commentary by Beth Tikkun
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This year’s Vayakhel teaching is all about two words and their associated Hebrew letters: fire and water, shin and mem. We think of fire and water as opposites and say, “fire and water don’t mix;” in the natural, this is true, but our God is supernatural, and He calls us to live beyond nature, as […]
February 24, 2022 in Media, Torah 5781 (2021-2022), Torah Commentary by Beth Tikkun
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This week’s teaching is all about the Tabernacle. Hidden in the many details and voluminous verses of these portions is the “picture section” of the Torah – God’s own house which He designed for relationship with mankind. Join us as we explore within the three sections of the Tabernacle, finding insights into our own makeup […]
February 10, 2022 in Media, Torah 5781 (2021-2022), Torah Commentary by Beth Tikkun
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We begin exploring portion Va’Etchanan by looking at a foundational “three-stranded cord” woven throughout the Scriptures, three strands we find in this portion. In the main body of the teaching, we ask, “Did the church really start with the Apostles?” In answering that question, we look to the other structures God indwells as He does […]
July 23, 2021 in Media, Torah 5781 (2021-2022), Torah Commentary by Beth Tikkun
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In dipping into the much cherished “love” chapter, we begin by looking again at the Hebrew word for love, “ahavah.” We then explore the chapter in three sections: the worthless life, love in action, and the greatness of love. Specific topics include unforgiveness, the Greek equivalent for “shalom” (teleos), gifts of the Spirit, the veil […]
March 12, 2021 in 1 Corinthians, Apostolic Writings, Media by Beth Tikkun
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Steve Meeks brings us a special teaching this week on the topic of “praying the tabernacle.” Steve outlines a prayer approach that helps to add variety, comprehensiveness, richness, and length to our prayer lives with the goals of deepening our relationship with the Father and being an instrument in effecting His will. Video: Vimeo | […]
June 28, 2020 in Media, Special Teachings by Beth Tikkun
We begin Torah portion Beha’alotecha by connecting the menorah to Yeshua and the Torah. We then explore two ways to read and “fill up” the Torah – with spiritual vision and spiritual blindness. Other topics in this teaching include hearing from the Lord, the “footfalls” of Adonai reflected in two unusually emphasized verses, and insights […]
June 23, 2019 in Media, Torah 5779, Torah Commentary by Beth Tikkun
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We begin this year’s parshah Nasso teaching by articulating a vital way of seeing and teaching the Word. We then explore what is beneath the surface of God’s design for Israel’s wilderness camp with special focus on the Levites. Other teaching topics for Nasso include the test of the sotah (the wife suspected of adultery) and […]
June 16, 2019 in Media, Torah 5779, Torah Commentary by Beth Tikkun
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We begin this year’s teaching on Parshah Vayakhel by finding in the parshah title man’s audacious attempt to separate Jews and Gentiles by splitting the Scriptures into two separate “covenants,” the “old” and the “new.” We then compare the two sets of tablets, asking what the two could represent. Moving on, we ask why it […]
March 3, 2019 in Media, Torah 5779, Torah Commentary by Beth Tikkun
With a bit of editing, we have managed to recover the Yom Kippur 2018 teaching from a less-than-ideal recording. Join us as we explore the intricate movements of the High Priest on this holiest day of the biblical calendar. Visuals: no visuals
September 23, 2018 in Media, The Moedim by Beth Tikkun
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This second teaching on the book of Ecclesiastes begins with an outline for chapters 4-6. We go on to take a closer look at a few of the many topics in these chapters which continue to demonstrate the “merely” physical life. In the second half of the teaching, we step away from Ecclesiastes to look […]
July 9, 2018 in Ecclesiastes, Media, Tanakh by Beth Tikkun
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Join us for this special Passover Torah Project teaching. Using as our starting point the Genesis 46 record of the 70 souls who descended to Egypt, we explore the concept that Israel is formed in the womb of Egypt and birthed from that place during the Exodus. We look into how God has wonderfully hidden […]
April 1, 2018 in Genesis, Media, The Moedim, Torah Project by Beth Tikkun
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The Torah describes a detailed and lengthy Yom Kippur Temple/Tabernacle service. The High Priest must take great care to carry out the required steps with precision. As is our tradition at Beth Tikkun, for our Yom Kippur teaching, we examine in detail the High Priest’s many movements and activities on this special day inside the […]
October 1, 2017 in Media, The Moedim by Beth Tikkun
Join Beth Tikkun as we continue our three-part series on the subject of prayer. In this study we look to the Tabernacle to glean the insights it holds concerning approaching God in prayer. We also discuss the depths to which prayer can take and how prayer is so much more that just requesting things from […]
August 18, 2013 in Media, Special Teachings by Beth Tikkun
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Join Beth Tikkun as we study Parshah Tzav 5772: Leviticus 6-8. This teaching’s study Resources: The Human Being
April 1, 2012 in Media, Torah 5772 (2011 - 2012), Torah Commentary by Beth Tikkun
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Join Beth Tikkun as we study Parshot Vayakhel & Pekudei 5772: Exodus 35-40. This teaching’s study Resources: God’s Architects The Holy Place
March 18, 2012 in Media, Torah 5772 (2011 - 2012), Torah Commentary by Beth Tikkun
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Join Beth Tikkun as we study Parshat Vayikra. This teaching’s study Resources: Types of Korbanot – Two Venues Mikdash – Love Popular Misconceptions
March 20, 2010 in Media, Torah 5770 (2009 - 2010), Torah Commentary by Beth Tikkun
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Join Beth Tikkun as we study Parshat Terumah. This teaching’s study Resources: Tabernacle Shem What Is This
February 21, 2010 in Media, Torah 5770 (2009 - 2010), Torah Commentary by Beth Tikkun
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