The Walt Malick Story

On the morning of February 20, 2016, Beth Tikkun was blessed to hear Walt Malick’s beautiful testimony of God’s faithfulness in his life during a time of tragedy. Walt is an ordained pastor who attendsBeth Tikkun, and he shares about the day his life changed when he was involved in a horrible motorcycle accident. You will be inspired by this lesson in faith and how God uses everything in our lives to accomplish great things for His Kingdom.

Categories Media, Special Teachings | Tags: | Posted on February 21, 2016

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1 Comment

  1. by Jeremiah Darden

    On February 25, 2016

    Such an absolutely incredible testimony! Thank you for allowing Mr. Malik the time to share in his experiences. God uses the tears of the righteous to melt the heart of stone. Very, very thankful to have heard this.

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