Vayeilech & Ha’azinu 2018-19

This week, we explore within the two short Torah portions of Vayeilech and Ha’azinu, finding much treasure. Our main focus is the two great songs of Scripture, the Song of Moses and the Song of the Lamb. As we consider the Song of Moses, we uncover a fascinating menorah pattern which balances the exodus on one side with entering the Promised Land on the other. As we explore the Song of the Lamb, we take a lesson from the first mention of the word “lamb” in the Torah, and we consider the book that most emphasizes the Lamb.

Visuals: Vayeilech and Haazinu 2018-19.pdf

Medios Visuales: Vayélej Haazinu 2018-19.pdf


  1. by Susan Brown

    On October 24, 2019

    Thank you for taking the time to record this at your home.
    I fir one am very grateful. And it recorded perfect.
    Kindness Matters.
    Orleans Ont Canada
    We still plan to come visit but my sister is still not doing well after her accident Ruth has a very bad concussion. But one day soon we believe .
    Baruch HaShem

  2. by Colleen Martin

    On October 25, 2019

    Shalom Grant,

    Thank you for taking the time at home to record this message.
    It is profound.
    I recall our brief discussion about the Song of the Sea and the Song of the Lamb a year ago and how a group of us are busy learning the words from Exodus 15 and Rev. 15.
    Your teaching today has just opened up another dimension to the beauty of these Songs.
    May we indeed be preserved for that day when we sing the Song of Moses and the Lamb together.

    Blessings and shalom

  3. by L. Grant Luton

    On October 27, 2019

    Dear Colleen, Thank you for your email and kind words. I must say that my study into the Song of the Lamb was an eye-opener to me, as well. I was really excited to share it with others and I am so glad that it was a blessing to you. Shalom! Grant

  4. by Janet

    On October 26, 2019

    Thank you. It means a lot to me that you took the time to record this (after 2 other tries).

  5. by Tim

    On October 28, 2019

    Who let the dogs out is a 1998 circular song. It was in a movie also and it has to do with feminist man bashing. Most people don’t know that. Aside from that thanks for the great teaching.

  6. by L. Grant Luton

    On November 14, 2019

    Thank you, Tim. Now I am a truly educated man. 🙂

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