Dan, the Shema, and the Eclipse

Join Beth Tikkun for this special teaching leading up to the High Holy Days. At the center of this lesson is a fundamental life pattern of 3 steps described by the Baal Shem Tov: 1. submission, 2. separation, and 3. sweetening. The Shemah provides an example of this basic pattern, and the tribe of Dan provides a warning for what happens when we fail to walk the pattern through in faithfulness. Finally, we apply the pattern to the month of Elul (which started this year in the US with a solar eclipse), receiving an encouragement to proactively reach out to God in this parched month leading up to the Fall Feasts.

Visuals: Dan and the Eclipse.pdf

Medios Visuales: Dan, el Shemá y el Eclipse.pdf

Categories Media, The Moedim | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Posted on September 10, 2017

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1 Comment

  1. by Ellen DE Winnaar

    On September 11, 2017

    Wow how beautiful and precious He is ! (I was so excited and pleased to hear that you guys went to Israel together! ). I can hear in your voice that His Presence encircled you ! )

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