Genesis 45

We begin this Torah Project teaching by exploring the Hebrew root for the word “book,” “s-p-r,” using an ancient Jewish approach for engaging the Scriptures described in a new book “Reading the Bible with Rabbi Jesus” by Lois Tverberg. This brief word study brings us to a link between the gem sapphire and Yeshua’s road to Emmaus encounter. Moving on to the subject of this towering chapter in the Torah, we take a brief look at the remarkable 18th century Jewish sage known as “The Vilna Gaon,” who was mesmerized by Genesis 45 and one sentence in particular, “My son Joseph lives!” In further exploring the text, we find the Torah teaching a deeply humbling and inspirational lesson about spiritual maturity as it relates to bringing life to our enemies.

Visuals: Genesis 45.pdf

Medios Visuales: Gén 45.pdf

1 Comment

  1. by Ruth Brooks

    On February 25, 2018

    It is interesting that it was 22 years before the brothers recognized Joseph and went back to the father in Joseph’s name. Right now we are 20 centuries after the century that Jesus was revealed. If it will be 22 centuries until his brothers see it and the millennium of Yeshua s reign starts (6000) it will be 222 years from now ie just over 2 more centuries.

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