Genesis 6c-7

Join Beth Tikkun as we continue our  Torah Project series. In this lesson, we begin by comparing the two “arks” mentioned in the Torah – the ark of Noah, and the ark of Jochabed, in which she placed the infant Moses. This side-by-side comparison provides a beautiful picture of righteousness and holiness. We then analyze the construction of the ark and discover a schematic of the spiritual man.

Visuals: Genesis 6c-7

Medios Visuales: Gén 6c-7

Categories Genesis, Media, Torah Project | Tags: , , | Posted on September 18, 2016

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  1. by Roger Hunter

    On September 30, 2016

    Hey young Grant – Outstanding as usual. I have a question – Sometimes you mention being able to get notes or copies of your handouts from the website. How exactly do I accomplish that?
    Pray for you and yours often. May the Lord continue to bless you and Beth Tikkun. Would really love to visit some time.

  2. by L. Grant Luton

    On October 2, 2016

    Dear Roger, First of all, I am NOT young (but, I feel pretty good, anayway). To get the visuals, just got to the AUDIO tab, scroll down and click on the TORAH PROJECT. You will get a current list of the teachings. Select the one you want from the far left-hand column. When the page for that teaching appears, you will see the link to the visuals. Hope this helps!

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