Vayakhel 2018-19

We begin this year’s teaching on Parshah Vayakhel by finding in the parshah title man’s audacious attempt to separate Jews and Gentiles by splitting the Scriptures into two separate “covenants,” the “old” and the “new.” We then compare the two sets of tablets, asking what the two could represent. Moving on, we ask why it is that God felt it was instructive to repeat the details of the Tabernacle. Lastly, we find in the somewhat mysterious skins which cover the Tabernacle, tachash skins, a deep truth about ourselves.

Visuals: Vayakhel 2018-19.pdf

Medios Visuales: Vayajel 2018-19.pdf


  1. by Susan Brown

    On March 4, 2019

    Are all questions ,comments public?

  2. by L. Grant Luton

    On March 5, 2019

    Yes, unless an administrator has reason to delete them. If you wish to ask a question or make a comment privately, you may do so via our email address. Shalom! Grant

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