Joshua 2022-23, Chapter 7

Join us as Tim walks us verse-by-verse through Joshua 7, focusing on how sin in one member affects the whole body. In the Spiritual Seasons teaching for the week, David hones in on a calendar application to God’s statement in Exodus 6 that he appeared to the patriarchs as “El Shaddai” but not as His […]

January 19, 2023 in Joshua 2022-2023, Media, Tanakh by

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Vezot HaBrachah 2021

In this final Torah portion of the cycle, we look at Jacob’s 12 sons in 6 pairs- a perspective suggested by Moses’ blessing of the tribes- drawing out life lessons from this diverse group that makes up the body of Israel. Being in the middle of Sukkot, we also carry over our thoughts regarding the […]

September 24, 2021 in Media, Torah 5781 (2021-2022) by

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Nehemiah Chs. 4-5: Building = Battle

As we begin chapters 4 and 5 of Nehemiah, we note an important difference in enemy tactics when we are rebuilding walls vs. rebuilding the Temple (Ezra). In dissecting the enemy’s verbal attacks, we observe “how to get stupid in 3 easy steps.” Seeing the wall being built, we talk about ladders and moving to […]

August 16, 2020 in Ezra-Nehemiah, Media, Tanakh by

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Nehemiah Chs. 1-2: Walls, Gates, & Enemies

In this first teaching on the book of Nehemiah, cupbearer to the king, we focus on the spiritual concepts of walls and gates, and we continue learning about enemies. What are our walls and gates, and how do we properly steward them? Regarding enemies, we look at our own three main enemies reflected in Nehemiah’s […]

July 26, 2020 in Ezra-Nehemiah, Media, Tanakh by


Titus 1

Join Beth Tikkun as we begin a study of the book of Titus. We start the first chapter by asking, “Who are the elect, and why did God select them?” We also take a closer look at the Greek words often translated “arrogant” and “rebuke.” Finally, we examine the intentions of the group Paul calls […]

May 15, 2020 in Apostolic Writings, Media, Titus by


Ki Tisa 2018-19

Torah portion Ki Tisa contains what are perhaps both the lowest point in Israel’s history in the Torah (the golden calf) and the loftiest vision of God in the Torah (God’s revelation of His goodness to Moses). It is not an accident that both this nadir and apex occur together within the same story. Topics […]

February 24, 2019 in Media, Torah 5779, Torah Commentary by

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Genesis 49

In this Torah Project teaching, we focus on Jacob’s deathbed blessing of his 12 sons. As we explore this fascinating passage, we bring together the characteristics of the sons, the histories of the tribes descended from them gleaned from both the Scriptures and tradition, and the insights of the Jewish sages. Along the way, we […]

April 8, 2018 in Genesis, Media, Torah Project by

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Matthew 5c

Join Beth Tikkun as we continue our study in Matthew’s gospel. In this study we analyze Yeshua’s statements about salt and light. We look into the scientific structure of these two amazing themes and gain some important and practical insights for our lives.   Visuals: Matthew 5c

January 11, 2015 in Apostolic Writings, Matthew, Media by

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Haf. Ki Tisa (1 Kings 18:1-39)

Join Beth Tikkun as we continue our study of the Haftarah portions for the 2013-14 Torah cycle. In this study we compare Obadiah’s and Ahab’s experiences with the prophet Elijah. We analyze the type of anger they each displayed and discuss what the true cause of anger is. We then look into the showdown on […]

February 16, 2014 in Haftarah Portion, Media by

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James 1 (Part 2)

Join Beth Tikkun as we continue our study in the book of James. In this study we analyze the seven major areas of temptation and Yeshua’s six Torah quotes in Matthew 5. We also take a careful look at the subject of divorce and remarriage in light of the Torah and Yeshua’s teaching. This teaching’s […]

May 12, 2013 in Apostolic Writings, James, Media by


Shemini 5772

Join Beth Tikkun as we study Parshah Shemini 5772: Leviticus 9-11. Video:  Vimeo  |  YouTube This teaching’s study Resources: The middle words & middle letter of the Torah Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself

April 21, 2012 in Media, Torah 5772 (2011 - 2012), Torah Commentary by


1st Samuel 16

Join Beth Tikkun as we study the book of 1st Samuel. This teaching’s study Resources: Anger Face of the King

June 7, 2008 in 1 Samuel, Media, Tanakh by

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